Online workshop: The Drama Triangle – Mon 10 Jan 2022

I ran workshop as part of the Link Centre’s CPD series on Monday 10 January. A video of the session is available from the Link Centre. And there is a part two workshop coming up in May 2022.

The Drama Triangle makes sense of repeated patterns we get into with other people where we become caught up in the role of either Rescuer, Persecutor, or Victim. In this workshop we will look at how to use The Drama Triangle in the therapy room. How can it help clients make sense and move out of problematic patterns? We’ll also look at a key development of the theory, The Winner’s Triangle.

Like any powerful tool, The Drama Triangle, can be harmful as well as helpful. So, we will also explore how labels such as Victim, Persecutor, or Rescuer can be used – sometimes unwittingly – to box people in or to silence and oppress them.

In the workshop participants will:

  • be introduced to the Drama Triangle and The Winner’s Triangle
  • learn some practical ways of using the triangles with clients
  • explore some connections with the Transactional Analysis concept of “discounting” and it’s complement “accounting”
  • discuss risks that come with the use of The Drama Triangle and its language of Victim, Rescuer, and Persecutor

The workshop will mix teaching with a breakout session for participants to explore their reactions to the ideas and try them out in some short exercises.

No prior knowledge of The Drama Triangle will be assumed.